One Size Doesn’t Fit All: Why Services Like Legal Zoom May Cost You In The Long Run

As the old English proverb says, “where there is a will, there is a way.”  With online services like “Legal Zoom” and “Rocket Lawyer”, it has become alarmingly easy for the average American to serve as his or her own Estate Planning Attorney.

People are turning to these sites because they are cheap and convenient.  They offer simplified questionaries containing checkboxes and drop boxes designed to create “one size fits all” estate plans.  You simply fill the questionnaire out online, pay a fee, and wait for your documents.

Notwithstanding the corny pun, these sites are a cause for concern.  Using them to create your estate plan is similar to using Web MD to diagnose an illness.  A lot more thought goes into even the simplest estate plan than these sites are programmed to comprehend.  Even the most basic Will (everything to my spouse) can have huge repercussions if certain factors are not considered.

For example, estate planners consider the health of your spouse (or loved ones) in determining how assets are to be left to them.  Proper planning can protect assets for your children (and other family members) and ensure that your loved one is cared for.  Simplified online drafting tools are not designed or capable of weighing these considerations.

At Hynes Law Group, we are dedicated to ensuring that our clients’ wishes are documented and honored.  As such, if you have used one of these services, we will review your documents free of charge to determine if any changes are needed.  Please fill out our “Contact Us” form at and type “Document Review” to utilize this free offer.

-Jesse R. Hynes, Esq.